In these times now more than ever we value our printed pictures a lot more. As we are not being able to see our friends and family, printed pictures in the house will remind ourselves of the treasured times we have had together.
My house is full of them. I can sit down all day and go through the old photo albums from when we were younger or, even older photos that have been passed down from generations.
There is something powerful about a print, especially the emotional connection. How many times have you passed a picture on a wall that reminds you of a moment in time, or milestone.
Prints have been proven to increase our mood and improve how we feel. To me, prints make a house a home and it gives me great joy when clients fill their homes with pictures I have taken. I offer a range of print products, wall art as well and Albums Perhaps, for them pictures that you haven’t got round to printing yet, or a print to send to a loved one to let them know you are thinking of them.
My wedding Album Brochure link:-
Jo x